In a field often flooded with non-experts and marginal techniques, the Advanced Vein Care Center stands out and stands tall, setting the standard of excellence for vascular care in the region.


Stanley R. Dennison Jr, MD, MBA

Dr Dennison was raised in Tampa, FL, where he completed his bachelors at the University of South Florida. He then went on to get his MD from the Universidad Central del Esta in Dominican Republic. Dr Dennison completed his internship at the Department of Family Medicine at Wayne State, where he went on to the Medical College of Ohio to do a residency in anesthesiology. Once his residency was completed he went to the University of Kentucky as a Fellow in Pain Management. Finally Dr Dennison completed his MDA back home at the University of South Florida.


Dr Dennison currently see patients throughout Tampa Bay in the office setting, in ambulatory surgical centers, as an Adjunct Professor for Nova University and is active at 10 local hospitals throughout the area. Dr. Dennison can follow his patients wherever they go.


As a pain physician in the Tampa area it became apparent the lack of venous disease treatment options available. He decided that a vein clinic focusing on underlying medical conditions was exactly what the Bay area needed.


Geoffrey Jones, MD

Dr. Jones was born and raised in Detroit, MI. He attended Tennessee State and Meharry Medical College in Nashville, TN for advanced education. He then returned home to Detroit to complete a Physical Medicine and Rehab residency at William Beaumont hospital and an Interventional Pain Management fellowship. During his tenure with advanced vein care, Dr Jones has taken specialized courses and proctorships in learning the most advanced treatments for vein disease.


Dr. Jones is affiliated with Brandon Regional Hospital, Kindred Hospital Central Tampa, St Josephs Hospital and Tampa Community Hospital.


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